Who’s Who

“Those who are making a difference”

The following links will allow you to explore the list of individuals, associations, and corporations who have registered to participate in “Hello, From My Heart” Days.

Click Here To View Full List Of Participants

 Click Here To Search Participants

You can search listings by county, state, even country.

 If you are a press member and want to know who is available
for press contact, just search for YES in the Desire Press Contact? field!

2016-11-27_16-27-58Our goal is to reach 100,000,000 people.  Imagine if each of us greets only 10 people with a smile and the words “Hello, From My Heart” September 11th thru September 21st.

We can and we are measurably creating a happier, healthier, and more peaceful planet.  You’ll want to check these pages weekly.  Our estimated reach will be updated as more and more register.   Have you registered yet?

 I hope you will join us.
Thank you very much to all “those who are making a difference.”

 From My Heart,
Gary Schineller, Founder
 Email Gary